var qTipTag = "a,label,input"; //Which tag do you want to qTip-ize? Keep it lowercase!// var qTipX = 0; //This is qTip's X offset// var qTipY = 15; //This is qTip's Y offset// //There's No need to edit anything below this line// tooltip = { name : "qTip", offsetX : qTipX, offsetY : qTipY, tip : null } tooltip.init = function () { var tipNameSpaceURI = ""; if(!tipContainerID){ var tipContainerID = "qTip";} var tipContainer = document.getElementById(tipContainerID); if(!tipContainer) { tipContainer = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(tipNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div"); tipContainer.setAttribute("id", tipContainerID); document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(tipContainer); } if (!document.getElementById) return; this.tip = document.getElementById (; if (this.tip) document.onmousemove = function (evt) {tooltip.move (evt)}; var a, sTitle, elements; var elementList = qTipTag.split(","); for(var j = 0; j < elementList.length; j++) { elements = document.getElementsByTagName(elementList[j]); if(elements) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++) { a = elements[i]; sTitle = a.getAttribute("title"); if(sTitle) { a.setAttribute("tiptitle", sTitle); a.removeAttribute("title"); a.removeAttribute("alt"); a.onmouseover = function() {'tiptitle'))}; a.onmouseout = function() {tooltip.hide()}; } } } } } tooltip.move = function (evt) { var x=0, y=0; if (document.all) {//IE x = (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft) ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft; y = (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; x += window.event.clientX; y += window.event.clientY; } else {//Good Browsers x = evt.pageX; y = evt.pageY; } = (x + this.offsetX) + "px"; = (y + this.offsetY) + "px"; } = function (text) { if (!this.tip) return; this.tip.innerHTML = text; = "block"; } tooltip.hide = function () { if (!this.tip) return; this.tip.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; } window.onload = function () { tooltip.init (); }